Our Fees

The daily fee at MCCCC is $ $174.30 per day for Under 3’s and $170.60 per day for Over 3’s (including kinder). This is the full fee and does not take into account the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), which many families are eligible for. 

MCCCC does not charge for staff Professional Development days. MCCCC also offers a reduced fee for absences of four weeks or more (e.g. for a family holiday).

The CCS is a payment made by the Commonwealth Government to assist families with the cost of child care. (In July 2018, the Australian Government merged the Child Care Rebate (CCR) and the Child Care Benefit (CCB) to create the CCS.) Eligibility for this payment is determined by Centrelink’s Family Assistance Office.

Families must liaise with Centrelink directly or set up a myGov account (my.gov.au), which is the platform linked directly to the CCS.

A claim for CCS must be made for each child in your family enrolled at child care.

Further information about the CCS can be found at the links below:

Child Care Subsidy – Services Australia
